Showing posts with label ubuntu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ubuntu. Show all posts

Monday, July 17, 2017

PHP ZMQ extension Installation in Apache 2.4 & php 5.6

PHP ZMQ extension we will look at how you can easily distribute work to background processes, provide flexible service brokering for your next service oriented architecture, and manage caches efficiently and easily with just PHP and the ZeroMQ libraries. Whether the problem is asynchronous communication, message distribution, process management or just about anything, ZeroMQ can help you build an architecture that is more resilient, more scalable and more flexible, without introducing unnecessary overhead or requiring a heavyweight queue manager node..

Installing ZMQ in Windows

Required Softwares Apache 2.4 & PHP 5.6
  1. Download the zmq php extension from following url depends up on the installed php version
    url: ZMq Download Url
  2. Extract the folder
  3. Copy the php_zmq.dll to php/ext directory
  4. Then copy the libzmq.dll to the php/ root directory
  5. Add below line in php.ini file : extension=php_zmq.dll

Friday, December 23, 2016

Installing Prosody Server on Ubuntu

Install Prosody


Prosody is a XMPP/Jabber server programmed in Lua that is simple and lightweight. Prosody uses fewer resources than its counterparts and is designed to be easy to configure and run. Ejabberd or OpenFire may be better suited for larger applications, but for most independent and small-scale uses Prosody is a more resource-efficient solution. Prosody is a very good candidate for running an XMPP server for a very small base of users, or for XMPP development.

Adding Software Repositories in ubuntu

The developers of Prosody provide software repositories for Debian and Ubuntu to more effectively distribute current versions of the software to users. In order to make these repositories accessible to your system we must append the following line to the /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb precise main

Now, to download the public key for the Prosody package repository, issue the following wget command. You may need to install wget first by running apt-get install wget. This will allow you to authenticate and verify packages:
wget -O- | apt-key add -

Issue the following command to refresh the package database:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Install Prosody

With the proper repository enabled, we’re now ready to install the Prosody server. Use the following command:

apt-get install prosody lua-sec-prosody

When apt finishes, the Prosody server will have been successfully installed (with support for TLS/SSL), and will be ready for configuration. Prosody provides an init script that allows you to reload the configuration file, start, stop, or restart the XMPP server. Issue one of the following commands as appropriate:
/etc/init.d/prosody reload
/etc/init.d/prosody start
 /etc/init.d/prosody stop
/etc/init.d/prosody restart

service prosody start
service prosody stop
service prosody restart

Saturday, February 6, 2016

How to convert PPK file to ssh remote server in ubuntu

1.sudo apt-get install putty
2.puttygen private.ppk -o private-key -O private-openssh (Where “private.ppk” is the PuTTY .ppk file to convert, and “private-key” is the name of the converted key file.)
3.ssh -i private-key username@remote-server-ip
Now, you can easily access the remote server using the openssh standard private key:
